I will be participating in #catchthemoment365 for 2014. Each week I hope to post a picture from each day of the year. If you would like more info please read more on Nurse Loves Farmer: http://www.nurselovesfarmer.com/catch-moment-365/
Here are my week #1 pics. We brought our camper down to Port Canaveral, FL for our 1st family trip in 5 years! It’s hard to believe it had been 5 years since we were there! We stayed at Jetty Park campground right on the port. We really enjoyed the warm weather! Temps were -32°F at home while we were gone!
Looking at the Port Canaveral from the pier.
We loved watching the big ships & boats arrive & depart everyday!
We were lucky enough to have several beach days!
The waves were really spraying due to the extreme wind!
Bringing in the Carnival cruise ship in the fog at 5:30 am.
Brett is our little bird chaser!
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